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Trump Picks Up More Crucial Pro Wrestler Endorsements

Donald Trump continues to rake in valuable endorsements from the professional wrestling community after Hulk Hogan gave a rousing speech pledging his support at the Republican National Convention last Thursday.

"I know tough guys, but let me tell you something, brother. Donald Trump is the toughest of them all!" Hogan shouted before ripping his t-shirt to reveal a MAGA-red Trump-Vance muscle tank underneath.

"Whatcha gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpamaniacs run wild on you, brother?" Hogan roared to the crowd's delight.

Trump has since picked up endorsements from "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Sgt. Slaughter and Brutus Beefcake, among others.

"Here's a man who wears suits that cost more than Kamala Harris's entire house!" Flair voiced his support for Trump at a rally Monday. "A man who every night does more in his sleep for this country than Joe Biden has done stinking up The White House for four damn years!"

"Here's a man named Donald J. Trump who's bringing the thunder and who's going to keep bringing that same damn thunder every day and every damn night until he's taken back what's rightfully his and makes America great again! WOOH!" Flair continued to wild cheers.

Meanwhile, before bowing out of the race, Biden's only pro wrestling endorsement had come from The Junkyard Dog, who was later revealed to have died in 1998.

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