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Lawsuit Alleges Profiling Against Billionaires for Election Fraud, Treason

A new lawsuit accuses the federal government of profiling billionaires for high crimes against the state.

Filed anonymously, the claim cites new data showing that billionaires are 78% more likely to be arrested for certain types of felonies such as treason and election fraud.

"Out of a total of 16 charges of high crimes against the government filed in the last year, 75% of those charged were billionaires," the claimant's attorney Arnold Metzger reported. "And even more troubling, of those indicted for trying to overthrow the government during that same period, every single one was a billionaire."

According to report by Forbes, just 0.000005% of the adult American population are billionaires, proof of the degree to which they are being profiled for these types of crimes, Metzger claims.

"When was the last time a school teacher was arrested for obstructing congress? Or a nurse for colluding with Russians to interfere with an election?" Metzger posed. "The answer is never, because it doesn't happen."

In one instance, the same billionaire who was indicted for conspiracy to defraud the United States is also facing charges for mishandling federal documents, business fraud and racketeering - an ominous scenario for anyone who might consider amassing their own immense fortune, Metzger argued.

"Its scary, because here was a man or woman who was merely minding his or her own business in his or her resort, where he or she happened to be holding on to a few hundred classified documents as keepsakes when the government decided to make him or her public enemy #1," Metzger said. "It's a travesty of justice."

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